How to avoid children tooth cavity?


Do you think that is their any possibility of cavities in children’s teeth?


In fact, cavities are more common symptoms than any other chronic illness children could have. Studies suggest that approx 40% of children show the symptoms of tooth decay, when they about to join kindergarten. Cavities occur due to the modern diet. As, nowadays food and beverages with full of ferment-able carbohydrate, which are ideal for bacteria growth and specially foods with high sugar content, as children love to have candies all the time and chocolates as well. Which provide the bacteria to feed on as children normally don’t care, if parents didn’t pay proper attention to their children dental health then even from early ages they become the victim of teeth problems. As,bacteria grow in a child’s mouth they produce acids, which attacks tooth enamel (which acts a protective shield for teeth).


So, the question would be is it possible to control the cavities in children’s teeth?


Surely, Answer is yes. It should be treated at first to control the infection. So, the cavity area can be filled to control the process of decay, otherwise infection may spread into the pulp of the baby tooth and will damage the nerve at the root of teeth. It also leads to pain and discomfort for a child. which would be really irritating to be heal and to be treated.


Another question would be that these cavities can effect or disturb child teeth development?


Obviously yes, as while children grow the foundation for teeth develop, their root structure set the proper eruption of teeth development and if this foundation some how weak than, adults may suffer greatly to maintain their dental health. Weak foundation means that roots may expose on early stages, which increases the risk of decay in children’s teeth.


Tips on preventing cavities in children’s teeth


Intake of juice should be limited to once a day
Use chocolate instead of candy also in a limited way.
Sugary or fizzy drinks should be discourage for daily use and prefer to use of water to quench thirst.
Selection of tooth brush for children should be of soft fibers and small in size so all teeth in mouth can be accessible.
Start to use a pea sized quantity of good fluoride toothpaste from the age of three years.
Gum, teeth and tongue should be brushed for about 2 or 3 minutes.
Brushing practice should be monitor by parents until the age of six or seven years. So, children can realize the importance and adopt it.
If you see any physical changes then consult your dentist before any further delay, so tooth decay can stop at initial stages.


Cavities and other dental related questions:
Most commonly children experience teeth problems and parents always concern about their dental health. So, its necessary to have good substantial knowledge to protect the dental health of children or even for yourself.



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